Saturday, April 17, 2010

Action a Key Element for Success

Action is a fundamental key to all success. Many times when I have time to read the posts in real estate investing websites, such as and, one of the common posts I see is about how to get their business going. How do I get started?

Many beginners suffer of fear which causes them paralysis. There are many reasons for this fear, fear of failure and fear of the unknown are a couple of them. One way to address this fear, as mentioned before, is to parter up with someone else who has the financial backing and/or experience to create a stronger team.

I am believer that uncertainty will always be part of our profession. There are no guarantees of the future and it does not matter how many courses you buy, there is always uncertainty. None of the course you buy can give you 100% guarantee. If what you are looking for is a 100% guarantee that you will invest and get 200% ROI in one year, then put your money in the stock market, oops no I mean put your money in a bank account, yikes!

Let me share something with you, real estate investing is a business of taking action. Nothing happens in real estate investing, actually in any business, without taking action. Right now, I am in Colombia a foreign country with foreign rules. The only way I have been able to succeed here by taking action. I must confess, not all my deals have been profitable. However, when I add up all of my deals the results are positive.

Real estate investing is not easy. However, if you take the proper steps to mitigate the risks associated with real estate investing you increase your chances of success. The most important step you can take towards your real estate investing success is to take action. Start small, consider bird-dogging for a while until you gain enough capital and experience. The bottom-line is to take action.

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