Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How To Achieve Success in Business?

I think this is one of the most sought-after goal in our present society. We all entrepreneurs want to have successful businesses. Whether you want to be promoted into high paying management positions, or wish to start your own real estate investment enterprise, you must gain specialized knowledge of the business world. Over the years what I have discovered is that success is within each of us. It is in your attitude towards challenges in our lives; how do you solve those challenges? For example, successful people create an aura of success around them. They dress that way and they speak constantly about their success; even though it has not materialized yet. Therefore, even if you're not in a high-income bracket, act as though you have already achieved it; of course without being egotistical or overspending.

Another aspect of successful business people is their constant search for wisdom. Develop an expertise in an area. Go beyond the basics, learn all you can about your industry/product/service you are offering. Gain from your strengths and develop your weaknesses into assets. Do not waste time in focusing on your weaknesses and feeling bad about them; focus on how can you improve and become better.

Another aspect is commitment. Many businesses and business people fail not because their business ideas are bad, they fail because of a lack of commitment to their ideas/goals. Success takes sacrifice, you do not gain something for nothing. The current misconception of the "Lazy Way to Success" does not work. It is one of the main reason people fail in business and one the main reasons we faced the recent financial and housing recession. People did not want to work for success, they did not want to think; they wanted everything digested for them. Stay focused on your goals regardless of the physical effort involved, you must mentally be engrossed in your business.

Finally, you don't need to conform to everyone else, specially if they are unsuccessful. Be unique, different, capitalize on your own self-image. Above all, use your integrity. If what you are pursuing is not a worthy goal, abort it; it wont work. If your methods lack sincerity and honesty, you will receive opposition and suffer the consequences. Do not become another of the many joker brokers in the Internet. Do not use scams in your pursuit of success. You may think that scams are a short cut to success, but it is only a mirage; it is only short lived. Because the same way you robbed someone; you will be too. It is an unbreakable law.


  1. Great post, thank you for sharing

  2. John:

    I appreciate your kind words. Look forward to your continued support to this blog.
